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Deutsch: Positionskarte von Griechenland
Quadratische Plattkarte, N-S-Streckung 120 %. Geographische Begrenzung der Karte: * N: 42.0° N * S: 34.6° N * W: 19.1° O * O: 29.9° O
English: Location map of Greece
Equirectangular projection, N/S stretching 120 %. Geographic limits of the map: * N: 42.0° N * S: 34.6° N * W: 19.1° E * O: 29.9° E
Date (UTC)
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Error in {{Information}} template: unknown parameter "1".

X3 {Gq{RemqtouchedPicture|relief map|editor=Uwe Dedering|orig=Greece_location_map.svg}}

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This image is a derivative work of the following images:

  • File:Greece_location_map.svg licensed with Cc-by-sa-3.0, GFDL
    • 2008-09-11T16:28:02Z Lencer 1003x825 (852751 Bytes) {{Information |Description= |Source= |Date= |Author= |Permission= |other_versions= }}
    • 2008-08-16T12:13:31Z Lencer 1003x825 (838049 Bytes) {{Information |Description= |Source= |Date= |Author= |Permission= |other_versions= }}
    • 2008-07-23T18:26:04Z Lencer 869x715 (842748 Bytes) {{Information |Description= |Source= |Date= |Author= |Permission= |other_versions= }}
    • 2008-07-23T18:11:37Z Lencer 869x715 (842814 Bytes) {{Information |Description= {{de|Positionskarte von [[:de:Griechenland|Griechenland]]}} Quadratische Plattkarte, N-S-Streckung 120 %. Geographische Begrenzung der Karte: * N: 42.0° N * S: 34.6° N * W: 19.1° O * O: 2

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Greece and western Turkey

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Asia Minore italiano

mar Egeo italiano

relief map inglese

23 Lug 2010

tipo di file italiano


dimensione dati italiano

707 614 byte

altezza italiano

825 pixel

larghezza italiano

1 003 pixel

checksum italiano


metodo di determinazione italiano: SHA-1 italiano


Cazze sus 'na date/orarie pe vedè 'u fail a cumme asseva jndr'à quidde timbe.

corrende16:07, 19 Dec 2010Thumbnail p'a versione de 16:07, 19 Dec 20101 003 × 825 (691 KB)Uwe DederingPrefecture borders removed. The prefectures of Greece were suppressed in 2010. Präfekturgrenzen entfernt. Die griechischen Präfekturen wurde 2010 abgeschafft.
12:41, 23 Lug 2010Thumbnail p'a versione de 12:41, 23 Lug 20101 003 × 825 (729 KB)Uwe Dedering{{Information |Description={{de|Positionskarte von Griechenland}} Quadratische Plattkarte, N-S-Streckung 120 %. Geographische Begrenzung der Karte: * N: 42.0° N * S: 34.6° N * W: 19.1° O * O: 29.9° O {{en|Location map of [[:

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